I have given in. I am attempting to embrace the country & western dance lifestyle. It is completely against my will, but it is a great way to meet normal local talent. (read- hotties) (read- attractive women) I even acquired some boots- thanks for the early Christmas gift Mom & Dad, so that I might fully embrace my task. These are the actual boots right here.
Do not even consider owning these, they are mine. My style. Me.
So, I went out last night and had a really good time. This is probably the first morning-after blog in which we, mikeandtim, each took tequila shots the night before. I had 2... tremendous. Jose Cuervo, you really are a friend of mine.
I am taking C&W dance lessons, and they are working. I was actually good on the dance floor during the slow dance portions of the evening. When the hip-hop comes on I am truly in my element, but now I am a double threat.
I would have to say that "Gold Digger" by Kanye West is probably the best hip-hop song to come out in 5 years. What a song. It even lights up a place like Tumbleweed Texas. In further irony- out of the many girls that I danced with, the best one was black. She also could hold conversation with the best of them... a real treat for a honky like me.
Kanye West-Golddigger? I LAUGHTTHTHTHTH!!!!
You (TIm) may or may not have been seeing the shirt I weres wearing Sunday at Willies, or wherever that place was.....but it was my Atom the Immortal tshirt....
go to:
age of men
His full sitez at www.atomthaimmortal.com/
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