Tuesday, August 23, 2005

No Phone Calls

I recently went two straight days without a personal phone call. I am trying to see the positive in this, but it sucks. I like to have fun. I like to go places. Granted, I am living in a place without very many close friends, but two days? I don't fancy myself as the type where people think to themselves, "Hmm.... I want to go do something fun, who should I call? I'll call Tim!" But... c'mon. I left work at 5:15 yesterday, arriving home around 5:40. I had no contact with anyone until my roommate came home hammered at like 10:30. Scott comes home and receives approximately 15 phone calls over 2 hours. I accept that this is in large part due to personality differences.. eh. Sometimes I relish the quiet, but it blows sometimes too.


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