Monday, July 11, 2005

Ultimate Frisbee and Girl Counseling

Even though it has been sometime since my last blog, this one will be brief.

I played Ultimate Frisbee yesterday as I do on every Sunday. It is a great sport. Lots of running, diving, high-risk throws, etc. Unfortunately, while jumping up for a triumphant frisbee snag, I was hit from behind, and fell directly on someone's knee. Chest hitting knee. Ouch. Bruised sternum sucks. Of course, I also have some serious tenderfoot so I am blistered as well. But what fun...

I have been quite the girl counselor as of late. Just this week 4, count 'em 4, girls broke into crying while talking to me. I have never had this happen before. I'm also not dating any of them. Nor did I anticipate having any remotely deep conversation with 3 of them. I have come through though. I don't think that I am in much of a position to counsel anyone on anything other than CD purchases, but God uses us in strange ways I guess.


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