Monday, June 06, 2005

The Burden of Creativity

So... being that I am a single guy and routinely meeting random people (girls, etc.) people often ask a few different questions.

1- Where did you grow up?
2- Where did you go to school?
3- What do you do for a living?

These are simple and obvious questions, and I generally don't mind answering them. The ones that have become problematic are:

1- What do you do in your spare time?
2- What would you like to do in the future?

The problem is, I would like to be a pastor, and I am currently writing a book. Both of which are very honest endeavors, but both of which instantly kill conversation with most people. My book is about the sociological effects of modern technology, and the Church just scares the average person to death. (Or mention of life-long ministry) So what should I say?

"Uhhhh, I like to uhhh, work-out and stuff."
"Uhhhh, I play the guitar sometimes."
"Clean house and pay bills."
"Find on-line sites about weird little bands that no one else in my demographic is remotely familiar with."

Which are truths, except that working out has taken a backseat to laziness the past month. The other thing is, when people actually attempt to be somewhat interested in the book you are writing, the actual explanation of why I see the Walkman as being a source of the retardation of communication skills in our nation is enough to put the average person to sleep. You see, I don't expect anyone to actually read the book. It is almost completely for self-gratification.
And while I have a good job which I enjoy, the description of what I actually do is so difficult that most people cringe or fall asleep at my attempt to try to explain it. So what to talk about? Should I cease to try to be creative solely to appeal to the majority of women, or just people in general? And the answer is no. But that doesn't mean it doesn't suck to have to explain myself.


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