Thursday, June 09, 2005


every tuesday i meet with 4 of my buddies for a bible study/small group study on a particular book. right now we are nearly finished with Celebration of Discipline, a book by Richard Foster. it is a very good book and i recommend it to anyone.

this week's chapter was about worship. in truth, this chapter was a bit less interesting to me...that was until a certain point was made by the author. i often forget that worship can come in so many forms. i have been very moved and effected by worship thru music, some in ways i cant even really explain, but in general i did not have the right idea of what worship really is. i know that worship is not restricted to music, but it is usually the first form of worship i think of, probably due to the common use of the terms "praise and worship" for singing songs in church. worship is doing anything for God. the author references Jesus's command of "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." (Matt 22:37 and Luke 10:27) this is worship. if anyone wants to know the definition of worship, this is it. this was Jesus's answer when someone asked him "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment of the law?" in Matthew and "Teacher, what must i do to inherit eternal life?" in Luke. so, my first reflection on this is "what is more important than that?" and the answer...nothing.

so i have these questions...
do you worship God?
why do you worship?
how do you worship?

worship doesnt have to be singing nor does music have to be invovled. it is a realization of your Creator and your relationship to Him, and doing everything that you do for His glory. so isnt the most important thing in life is to be worshipping God?

i believe that it is.



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