Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Faith Hill Fan Club


A buddy of mine here at work, we'll call him "Brian" had a story at lunch today. "Brian" is a guy straight out of Good Will Hunting... tough New England guy, knows more about stuff than he lets on, loves the Pats and the Red Sox.. your typical alpha male.

Well, a couple of years back "Brian" and his wife were at a country music festival and Faith Hill was performing. "Brian" was in the 4th row and pulled out his binoculars to get a close-up on Faith. Not that that is relevant to the story, but it is funny. After the show, they made an announcement that members of the Faith Hill fan club could line up to meet her. "Brian" was upset as he thought the opportunity to meet Faith would have been a good thing.

Fast forward to Christmas that year, "Brian's" wife provides him with a membership to the Faith Hill fan club. I think this may be one of the greatest joke ideas ever. I am definitely getting a friend of mine a Clay Aiken fan club membership this year. (Maybe it will even get displayed in the BBC?!) So, the festival rolls around the next year and sure enough Faith Hill is performing again. And sure enough, "Brian" is right there in line to meet Faith. His wife is somewhat aghast, but "Brian" is clutch enough to make sure that he has his t-shirt signed with his wife's name. A good blog topic if there ever was one.


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