Tuesday, July 18, 2006

thanks, apple, website, and mouse ball

i cant write much since i have the work of three (if you need a job in construction email me) but wanted to update a few things that are going on.

1. the comments by Mr. Bronson and Ms. Merryman on Tim's post are much appreciated. thank you both for reading our entry and responding. as a result, i have picked up a copy of Po's "What Should I Do With My Life" and am a few chapters into the book. very interesting.

2. i am now a proud owner of an Apple computer. now i am trying to figure out what the heck took me so long to get one of these things. it has only been one day, but it has been great. i setup and connected to my cable internet by literally plugging in the ethernet cable and clicking three times. total time of setup, approx 30 seconds. nice.

3. we are indeed making progress on mikeandtim.com. we have procured the rights to www.mikeandtim.com a while back, but are now working with internationally recognized web developers such as the creator of marklancaster.net (the actual mark lancaster) and we are all pretty excited about the site and where it is headed. there will be more interactive opportunities which should be delightful.

4. my dog ate a computer mouse ball. the good thing is, she eventually threw it up. two nights ago the poor little pooch was hackin like she was trying to cough up a recliner, but it was 330am and i was pretty tired so i opted out of immediate investigation. yesterday when i got home from work i crawled in her little kennel tent thingy, and guess what i found. mouse ball. have you taken one of these out of your mouse? it is a pretty heavy metal ball about the size of a shooter marble. kinda like a musket ball coated with rubber. big deal you say? especially when it is taken into consideration that she ate this a month ago and my wife's aunt's house. a month ago and she just threw it up. at the time of ingestion, she was approx 9 weeks old. amazing beast, the puppy is.


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