Friday, August 04, 2006

civil war and my dinner two nights ago

there is a quite a bit of talk regarding a possible civil war in Iraq. dont get the wrong idea here, i am not pro-war. i do however consider myself to be somewhat logical and henceforth/thenceforth wonder why this is surprising. has the U.S. not gone over to Iraq to overthrow and reform the Iraqi Government? if so, can anyone reference a single Government overthrow/reform that has not resulted (or been the result of) in a civil war? i thought this was pretty much guaranteed.

on a lighter note, the following items were eaten by me for dinner two nights ago:

half serving of jambalaya
approx 1 cup of teddy grahams
1 banana
2 bud lights
1 hot dog with ketchup and mustard
1 lunch-size make your own tuna salad on crackers
half of a cup of trail mix with yogurt covered raisins

barfing took place 21 minutes later (not really, but you would think i probably should have)


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